Add in aunts and uncles, grandparents and cousins, Californians and Kansans, then fly in some friends from Scotland. Mix joyously on a Saturday afternoon and voila! you have a wedding in Wisconsin, sparkling under clear blue skies as ducks practice their landings on the choppy waves. Light the barn for dinner and dancing, feed people well, and watch people celebrate and enjoy.
Hunter and Meghan say "I do" and there are a couple of hundred witnesses, more if you count the ducks. Perfect weather, friendly people, fabulous food. Our host transforms his home and acreage into a picturesque wedding venue, scenic and memorable in every detail. By Saturday at dusk there's a newly married couple strolling barefoot along the grassy shore, smiling and greeting their guests.
After 359 of these (plus 16 renewal-of-vows ceremonies) people ask us if it ever becomes routine? Absolutely never. Each sermon is unique, crafted to the character of the bride and the groom. Each service is memorable, some more than others, most of them for the right reasons.
For Hunter and Meghan, no glitches. No one falls or faints. Even the junior couple has star-power, strolling confidently along the petal-strewn path. They almost steal the show! But we are here for the bride and groom, each lit from within by a genuine and lasting joy. Their love is infectious and spreading.
Now the sun has set, the cake's been cut, and the bridal couple is dancing. The DJ spins Tony Bennett, Boys-2-Men, Michael Buble' and more. Grab your partner and hit the floor; this barn is swinging.