She won't be alone when we see her. On her arm will be the dad who has raised her, the Godly man who has been an example to this bride, and to all of us --- devoted husband, loving father, loyal churchman, mission-minded believer. We are eager to see the bride today, but we also want to watch her father beam with evident pride.
We've rehearsed all this on the day before, and it went well --- more casual, a little more
laughter, a few pranks. Today is
the wedding and even the littlest cousins are on their best behavior. There's room for good humor, but also room for respect. We are counting our blessings as we unite Hunter and Meghan in happy and lasting union. Even the weather cooperates; answered prayers.
Two loving family circles and a great group of supportive friends have gathered here for a wedding celebration. This is a time for joy.
In those first few moments after learning that Paul Dennis was gone, God took our thoughts to the weddings ---- Jeremy's wedding, Meghan's wedding. Lisa and I were praying for Lori and Jeremy and Meghan --- and almost instantly, God brought the two weddings into our thoughts and prayers. Right there in our grief, not fully understanding what was happening, we stopped and just thanked God that Paul lived to see both of his children grow into adulthood, marry wisely, and form families of their own.
So many brides walk down the aisle alone, never having known the love of a father. So many grooms grow up without a Godly male example to respect and follow. Meghan and Jeremy grew up with a warm and wonderful dad who loved God, loved his wife, loved his kids, and loved helping others --- at home or far away. Paul Dennis showed us what Godly manhood looks like --- humility, service to others, faithfulness to marriage and family, compassion for those in need.
Paul has gone home. It seems too soon, too early --- Paul seems too young. We must trust the timing of our Heavenly Father even though we don't understand the why and the when. As for the where --- well, that was Paul. He served on so many trips to so many places --- always showing up, always helping, always caring, always giving, always loving --- it seems natural for him to go home while serving and helping in a faraway land. Those trips defined his life among us.
Paul has crossed the finish line. He lived to see his kids grown and married; he lived to share his son, give away his daughter, and welcome two new adults into the family circle. He saw a lot, gave a lot, lived a lot --- and now he's gone home.
He leaves a legacy that all of us will respect and remember. And there is no doubt that Paul crossed the finish line and was welcomed into the arms of a loving Heavenly Father. There is no doubt that Paul heard, as he entered his heart's true home: "Well done, good and faithful servant."