Today music is essential to our life together -- woven tightly into fabric of our daily lives. Right now we're listening to James Taylor and Carole King, in their recent concert at the Troubadour up in Los Angeles, from the CD/DVD combo of the concert. These two make beautiful music together! We're lovin' it.
Meanwhile, here are three valuable music lessons for today:
1) Elevate Your Mood. Music is a powerful mood enhancer, no drugs required. Try a little music therapy the next time you're struggling with seasonal affective disorder (or you're just plain tired of winter). Good music makes life better!
2) Elevate Your Game. Whatever you want to do well --- practice constantly. There is no substitute for practice! Great reputations do not win football games, bring a Carnegie Hall audience to its feet, or sell more books. What succeeds is greatness itself --- and to become great, there is only one pathway. More practice.
3) Elevate Your Friends. Sorry to post you this memo, but life is not about you. All around you today are people who could use a word of encouragement, a short but amusing text message, or an actual phone call. (Tech note: Some cell phones are equipped with voice features. Ask your carrier.) Life is better when you share the journey with others -- focus on serving and helping someone today.