Pictured at left is another great kid who was raised by a single parent. Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps was raised by his mother after his parents divorced. At age 9, unable to pay attention in school, he was diagnosed with symptoms of ADHD.
Let's face it: parenting isn't easy! Especially if you're all alone to raise your children.
Here's the good news: You can raise world-class kids, people who go on to high achievements in sports, medicine, entertainment, government and many other kinds of leadership. We've been learning from successful single parents, literally around the world, about what it takes and how to get there from where you are.

The best of what we've learned from today's successful single parents is right here, in a brand-new book that is just releasing this fall. The title is "Raising Great Kids On Your Own" and it's selling at Barnes & Noble, Borders, Target and in many other stores. You can also purchase it on-line at Amazon through a link along the left side of this blog.
Stressed-out while raising kids on your own?
Worried that your children are disadvantaged?
Your children can go on to achieve greatness, with your help. Just ask Michael Phelp's mom!!